
The pdf generator will be loaded with this default settings: Default json settings »

Post parameter Settings with a custom json settings to override the default json settings.

NOTE! It's not possible to set PdfPageSize in the custom json settings.


Post the following parameters (in for example a dictionary) to

All the following parameters could be named with lower or upper case, with or without "-" or a mix of all (ie CamelCase or kebab-case).

Ex: param-example, paramexample and ParamExample will all be valid for the same parameter.

Name Type Default Description
ApiKey String Required
Settings String Custom json settings that overrides the default json settings Default json settings »
AutoSizePdfPage Boolean false See description in Evo Pdf »
Integer 0 Content margin to the bottom of each page.
ConversionDelay Integer 2 An additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be completely loaded or for a web page redirect to finish before starting the rendering in HTML to PDF converter. TriggeringMode must be set to ConversionDelay in order for this parameter to be used. See description in Evo Pdf »
String Any of these parameter names will be used as url to the page that will be converted to a pdf.
String List of url:s to pdf files that will be rendered after the converted pdf.
ExternalPdfTimeout Integer 30 In seconds. Used when fetching pdf files from StartPdfUrls and EndPdfUrls
FitWidth Boolean true Resize the content to fit the available width if necessary.
FontFamilyName String "Arial" Will be used if parameter ShowPageNumbers is set or parameter FooterText is set.
FontSize Float 8.0 In points (pt). Will be used if parameter ShowPageNumbers is set or parameter FooterText is set.
FooterHeight Integer 20 The height of the footer.
FooterHtml String Html code that will be rendered as footer. FooterHeight will be used if this parameter is set.
FooterText String Center aligned text that will be rendered as footer. Could be combined with ShowPageNumbers, ShowPageNumbersLeft and ShowPageNumbersRight if set. FooterHeight will be used if this parameter is set.
FooterUrl String Generate a footer from this url. FooterHeight will be used if this parameter is set.
HeaderHeight Integer 20 The height of the header.
HeaderHtml String Html code that will be rendered as header. HeaderHeight will be used if this parameter is set.
HeaderUrl String Generate a header from this url. HeaderHeight will be used if this parameter is set.
HtmlViewerWidth Integer 1024 HTML viewer width in pixels. See description in Evo Pdf »
HtmlViewerZoom Integer 100 HTML viewer zoom in percentage. Similar to zoom level in a browser See description in Evo Pdf »
JavaScriptEnabled Boolean true A flag indicating if JavaScript execution is enabled in HTML to PDF converter
JpegCompressionEnabled Boolean true Is the JPEG compression enabled or not for the images in the PDF document.
Integer 0 Content margin to the left of each page.
MediaType String "print" "print" or "screen". See description in Evo Pdf »
Orientation String "Portrait" "Portrait" or "Landscape".
PageNumberFormat String "{0}/{1}" {0} = Current page number, {1} = Total page numbers. Be sure to keep at least "{0}" which is required. "{1}" is optional.
PageNumberHorizontalMargin Integer 40 Horizontal margin used when page numbers is rendered. Equally divided to the left and right side.
PageSize String "A4" See description in Evo Pdf »
Integer 0 Content margin to the right of each page.
ShowFooterOnFirstPage Boolean false Show footer on first page.
ShowPageNumbers Boolean false Show page numbers. Same as ShowPageNumbersLeft. Will be rendered to the left in the footer. Could be combined with FooterText
ShowPageNumbersLeft Boolean false Show page numbers. Same as ShowPageNumbers. Will be rendered to the left in the footer. Could be combined with FooterText
ShowPageNumbersRight Boolean false Show page numbers. Will be rendered to the right in the footer. Could be combined with FooterText
StartPdfUrls String List of url:s to pdf files that will be rendered before the converted pdf.
StretchToFit Boolean false Stretch the content to fit the available width if necessary. FitWidth must be set to true in order for this parameter to be used.
Integer 0 Content margin to the top of each page.
TriggeringMode String "ConversionDelay" "Auto", "ConversionDelay" or "Manual". Set parameter ConversionDelay if this parameter is set to ConversionDelay See description in Evo Pdf »